How To Buy & Sell NFT in Nigeria | TransferXO 2023 Complete Guide

How To Buy & Sell NFT in Nigeria
How To Buy & Sell NFT in Nigeria

Understanding the worldwide trend is crucial, but grasping how to profitably buy and sell NFT in Nigeria is crucial.

With its vibrant and growing digital ecosystem, Nigeria has seen a surge in interest in buying and selling NFTs. If you’re new to the world of NFTs and wondering how to navigate this exciting market in Nigeria, you’ve come to the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of buying and selling NFTs in Nigeria, step by step.

Globally, the number of NFTs is rising quickly. This is also true in Nigeria, where NFTs are becoming more popular, and token owners are making money.

This article offers a comprehensive guide on how to buy and sell NFT in Nigeria. This review from TransferXO highlights all the necessary information you need to know.

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Table of Contents

What are NFTs, and Why Are They Important?

At its core, a non-fungible token (NFT) is a type of digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content.

Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and can be exchanged one-to-one, NFTs are distinct and cannot be interchanged.

NFTs have garnered significant attention across various industries due to their transformative potential. Let’s explore why NFTs are important and how they reshape the digital landscape.

1. Unique Ownership and Authenticity

One of the primary reasons NFTs hold immense importance is their ability to establish unique ownership and authenticity in the digital realm.

In the past, digital assets like images, videos, and music were easily copied and shared without proper attribution or compensation for the creators.

However, with NFTs, creators can tokenize their digital works, providing indisputable proof of ownership. This breakthrough enables artists, musicians, and creators to monetize their creations, ensuring they receive recognition and compensation for their efforts.

2. Empowering Creators and Artists

NFTs have unleashed a new era of empowerment for creators and artists. Previously, artists often struggled to gain fair compensation for their work in the digital space.

With the advent of NFTs, creators can sell their digital assets directly to collectors and enthusiasts, bypassing traditional intermediaries.

This direct connection between creators and consumers allows artists to retain more of the proceeds and establish more direct relationships with their audience.

3. New Revenue Streams

The introduction of NFTs has opened up novel revenue streams for various industries. Beyond traditional art, NFTs have found applications in music, virtual real estate, virtual goods, gaming, and even virtual identities.

Artists can now sell limited editions of their work, musicians can release exclusive tracks, and gamers can own unique in-game items, all through the power of NFTs.

This innovative monetization model benefits individual creators and promotes innovation and creativity within these industries.

4. Proof of Scarcity and Collectibility

Scarcity and collectibility have always played a crucial role in determining the value of physical assets. NFTs have brought the concept of scarcity and collectibility to the digital space.

By minting a limited number of tokens for a particular piece of content, creators can establish its scarcity and increase its desirability among collectors.

The ability to own a unique digital item, such as a rare digital artwork or a legendary in-game item, has attracted a growing community of collectors and enthusiasts.

5. Authenticating Digital Identities

With the rise of virtual worlds and digital identities, NFTs have emerged to authenticate and validate these virtual personas.

By leveraging NFTs, individuals can establish ownership and uniqueness of their digital avatars, virtual real estate, or virtual goods.

This enhances the sense of ownership and personalization and offers a secure and verifiable way to identify and interact with other digital entities.

6. Tokenizing Real-World Assets

Beyond the digital realm, NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the way we perceive and trade real-world assets.

By tokenizing physical assets such as real estate, luxury goods, or intellectual property rights, NFTs can enable fractional ownership, enhance liquidity, and streamline transactions.

This innovation promises to unlock new investment opportunities and democratize access to traditionally illiquid markets.

Is NFT Allowed in Nigeria?

As a vibrant hub of technological innovation, Nigeria is witnessing a growing interest in NFTs.

While the country has not explicitly regulated NFTs, it is crucial to understand the existing legal framework and its implications on the legality of NFT transactions.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is the primary regulatory body overseeing financial activities and investments in Nigeria.

As of the knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, the SEC had not issued specific regulations addressing NFTs.

However, it is important to note that the absence of specific regulations does not automatically imply that NFTs are illegal in Nigeria.

The legal status of NFTs in Nigeria can be interpreted within the existing legal framework, including laws governing intellectual property, taxation, and financial regulations.

Therefore, individuals involved in NFT transactions must ensure compliance with relevant laws and seek legal advice when necessary.

NFTs provide Nigerian artists and creators a unique opportunity to showcase their talent and monetize their digital works.

By tokenizing their creations, artists can establish ownership rights and receive royalties whenever their NFTs are sold or traded.

This can significantly empower Nigerian artists, allowing them to tap into a global market and gain recognition for their work.

Also, NFTs present an innovative way to generate revenue beyond traditional advertising and sponsorship models for content creators and influencers.

By minting and selling limited editions of digital content, such as exclusive videos, images, or virtual experiences, creators can directly engage with their audience and monetize their online presence.

Why Should You Consider Buying or Selling NFTs?

There are several reasons why you might consider buying or selling NFTs. First and foremost, NFTs provide a new way to directly support and engage with artists and creators. By purchasing an NFT, you own a unique piece of digital art and support the artist financially.

Additionally, NFTs offer the potential for significant returns on investment, especially if you acquire highly sought-after or limited-edition pieces. Lastly, participating in the NFT market allows you to be part of a growing global community of art enthusiasts and collectors.

The Nigerian NFT market is vibrant and diverse, reflecting the country’s rich artistic and cultural heritage. Nigerian artists have embraced the NFT medium to showcase their talent and reach a global audience.

The demand for NFTs in Nigeria has steadily increased, with local and international collectors actively participating in the market. Several Nigerian NFT marketplaces have emerged, providing artists and collectors a secure platform to buy, sell, and trade digital assets.

Steps By Step Guide On How To Buy & Sell NFT In Nigeria

If you’re curious about how to buy and sell NFT in Nigeria, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the process step by step.

How to Buy NFT in Nigeria

In this article, we will explore how to buy NFT in Nigeria, step by step, providing valuable insights for individuals who want to venture into this exciting and innovative space.

1. Understanding NFTs

Before diving into buying NFTs, it is essential to have a basic understanding of what NFTs are. NFTs are unique digital assets on a blockchain, typically built on Ethereum.

Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and can be exchanged for one another, NFTs represent one-of-a-kind items, such as artwork, music, videos, or virtual real estate.

2. Setting up a Digital Wallet

To buy and store NFTs, you need a digital wallet compatible with the blockchain where the NFTs are issued.

Ethereum-based NFTs require a wallet that supports the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 standards. Popular wallets for NFTs include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet.

Once you have chosen a wallet, follow the instructions to set it up securely and connect it to the appropriate blockchain network.

3. Researching NFT Marketplaces

Several NFT marketplaces are available to find a wide range of digital collectibles. Some popular NFT marketplaces include OpenSea, Rarible, SuperRare, and NBA Top Shot.

Before purchasing, it is advisable to research these marketplaces and understand their fee structures, user interfaces, and reputation within the NFT community.

4. Choosing the Right NFT

When buying NFTs, choosing the right ones that align with your interests and preferences is crucial.

NFTs can be artwork, music, videos, virtual real estate, or even virtual goods in video games. Spend time exploring different categories and creators to find NFTs that resonate with you.

Consider factors such as the artist’s reputation, rarity, uniqueness, and historical sales data to make an informed decision.

5. Evaluating the Authenticity of NFTs

Due to the digital nature of NFTs, verifying their authenticity is essential. Look for NFTs minted or authenticated by reputable artists or creators. Verify the creator’s identity and ensure a strong online presence and social media following.

Additionally, check if the NFT has been listed on trusted marketplaces and has a proven track record of sales and transactions.

6. Making a Purchase

Once you have selected the NFT you wish to buy, navigate to the respective marketplace and follow the steps provided.

Most marketplaces allow you to place bids or make direct purchases using cryptocurrency. Ensure you have sufficient funds in your digital wallet to complete the transaction.

Carefully review the terms and conditions, including the licensing rights associated with the NFT, before finalizing the purchase.

7. Storing and Managing NFTs

After purchasing an NFT, storing and managing it securely is crucial. NFTs are typically stored in digital wallets, and each NFT has a unique address on the blockchain.

Ensure that you back up your wallet’s recovery phrase or private key in a safe place. Consider using hardware wallets for added security.

Additionally, explore options for organizing and displaying your NFT collection using portfolio trackers or virtual galleries.

8. Understanding the Risks

As with any investment or digital asset, there are risks associated with buying NFTs. Prices of NFTs can be highly volatile, and there is a possibility of losing the entire investment.

Be mindful of potential scams, fraudulent projects, or counterfeit NFTs. Conduct thorough research and due diligence before making any purchase.

Stay updated with the latest news and developments in the NFT space to make informed decisions.

9. Participating in NFT Communities

NFTs have vibrant and active communities of collectors, artists, and enthusiasts. Engaging with these communities can provide valuable insights, networking opportunities, and access to exclusive drops and events.

Join social media platforms, forums, and Discord channels dedicated to NFTs to connect with like-minded individuals and stay updated on the latest trends and opportunities in the NFT ecosystem.

10. NFT Tax Considerations

When buying and selling NFTs, it is essential to understand the tax implications. Tax regulations regarding NFTs may vary depending on your jurisdiction. Consult with a tax professional or research the tax laws applicable to your country or region.

Keep detailed records of your NFT transactions, including purchase price, sale price, and associated fees, to ensure compliance with tax requirements.

11. Exploring NFT Opportunities in Nigeria

Nigeria has a vibrant and growing NFT community. Local artists, musicians, and creators increasingly embrace NFTs to monetize their digital works.

Explore Nigerian-focused NFT marketplaces and support local talent. Engage with Nigerian NFT communities and learn from their experiences and perspectives.

Consider attending NFT-related events, workshops, or exhibitions in Nigeria to immerse yourself in the local NFT scene.

How to Sell NFT in Nigeria

1. Prepare Your Artwork or Digital Asset

To sell an NFT, you need a digital artwork or asset you want to tokenize. Ensure your artwork is in a suitable format and meets the guidelines provided by the NFT marketplace you plan to use.

Create high-quality images or videos that showcase your artwork effectively.

2. Choose an NFT Marketplace

Select an NFT marketplace that aligns with your artistic style and target audience. Consider factors such as marketplace fees, user base, promotional tools, and community engagement.

Some marketplaces may require you to apply or go through a verification process before you can start listing your NFTs.

3. Mint Your NFT

Minting refers to the process of creating an NFT and attaching it to your artwork or digital asset.

Each marketplace has its own minting process, which usually involves uploading your digital files, providing metadata (e.g., title, description, and edition size), and setting a royalty percentage for future resales.

4. Set a Price and Listing Details

Determine the price for your NFT based on factors like your reputation, the uniqueness of the artwork, and current market trends.

Set a competitive yet reasonable price that attracts potential buyers. Provide accurate and engaging listing details, including a compelling description, relevant tags, and additional perks or bonuses for buyers.

5. Promote Your NFT

To maximize the visibility and potential sales of your NFT, it’s crucial to promote it effectively. Leverage social media platforms, art communities, and your personal network to spread the word about your NFT.

Engage with potential buyers, share behind-the-scenes insights, and collaborate with other artists or influencers to expand your reach.

6. Complete the Sale

Buyers interested in your NFT can make an offer or purchase directly through the marketplace.

Once a sale is initiated, follow the instructions provided by the marketplace to finalize the transaction.

Ensure the NFT is transferred to the buyer’s wallet promptly and deliver any associated perks or bonuses promised in your listing.

How Much Does it Cost to Buy 1 NFT in Nigeria?

The current NFT pricing is NGN 15.00 per NFT. With a circulating supply of 36,863,404 NFT, NFT has a total market cap of NGN 552,931,648.57.

The quantity of NFT exchanged has decreased by NGN 0.00 in the last 24 hours, representing a 0.00% reduction. Furthermore, NGN 0.00 in NFT was traded on the last day.

To calculate NFT to Naira, you can visit Coinbase to do. For example, 5 NGN equals 0.33 NFT. 5 NFT, on the other hand, will cost approximately 75 NGN.

How Much Can an NFT Sell for?

At first appearance, selling an NFT may appear to be quite difficult. While there are many factors to consider, the process isn’t too difficult if you do your study and due diligence.

Just research your alternatives for platforms, auction settings, and payment-related issues such as fees and gateways.

Once you’ve covered all the bases, you’ll be well on your way to selling some fantastic NFTs.

An NFT can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,400 on average, depending on its popularity, utility, and scarcity.

Furthermore, price changes in the underlying cryptocurrency may affect non-fungible tokens. (An increase in the price of Ethereum may lead the price of Ethereum-based NFTs to climb, for instance).

What Can You Sell As NFT?

NFTs offer endless possibilities for creators and collectors alike. From digital art and virtual real estate to music, videos, and even virtual pets, the range of items that can be sold as NFTs is vast and diverse. Let’s dive deeper into some popular categories:

1. Digital Art

Digital art has become one of the most prominent and sought-after forms of NFTs. Artists can create unique and original pieces using digital tools and platforms.

These digital artworks can then be minted as NFTs and sold on various NFT marketplaces. Buyers have the opportunity to own a one-of-a-kind piece of art that is secured on the blockchain, ensuring authenticity and provenance.

2. Collectibles

NFTs have revolutionized the concept of collectibles in the digital realm. From trading cards and virtual toys to rare in-game items and virtual fashion, collectors can now acquire unique digital assets that hold real value.

These collectibles often have additional perks or benefits, such as exclusive access or special privileges within a game or virtual world.

3. Music and Videos

Musicians and content creators can leverage NFTs to sell their music, albums, and videos directly to fans.

By minting their creations as NFTs, artists can establish a direct connection with their audience and provide exclusive content or experiences to NFT holders.

This enables fans to support their favorite artists while gaining access to limited edition or unreleased content.

4. Virtual Real Estate

The virtual world has become a thriving ecosystem with its own economy. Virtual real estate allows individuals to buy and sell virtual land, properties, and spaces within blockchain-based virtual worlds or metaverses.

These virtual assets can appreciate value, and owners can monetize their properties by hosting events or selling advertising space.

5. Domain Names and URLs

NFTs have extended beyond the realm of digital art and collectibles. Domain names and URLs can also be tokenized as NFTs, providing a unique way to buy, sell, and transfer ownership of online assets.

These NFTs can represent memorable or valuable domain names, allowing individuals to invest in digital real estate in the form of web addresses.

6. Virtual Pets and Avatars

Virtual pets and avatars have gained popularity as NFTs, allowing individuals to own and interact with unique digital companions.

These NFT-based pets and avatars often come with customizable features, abilities, or attributes, making them highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.

Best Places To Buy & Sell NFTs in Nigeria

The first step in buying and selling an NFT is to select a platform. Various choices exist, including online marketplaces like OpenSea and direct-to-consumer (D2C) platforms like Shopify.

The choice is usually determined by the type of NFT you buy or sell and the expenses of trading the cryptographic asset.

Look at the best platforms to buy and sell NFT in Nigeria and what they have to offer NFT sellers.

How to Invest in NFT in Nigeria?

Nigeria has emerged as a hotbed for technological advancements in Africa. With a large population of tech-savvy individuals and a growing interest in digital assets, NFTs have gained significant traction in the country.

Nigerian artists, musicians, and content creators have started exploring NFTs to monetize their creations.

The NFT marketplaces have witnessed an increasing number of Nigerian creators showcasing their talent and selling their unique digital assets. This surge in interest has led to a vibrant NFT community in Nigeria, with investors and collectors actively participating in the market.

Let’s explore the world of NFTs and guide you on how to invest in NFTs in Nigeria.

Step 1: Educate Yourself about NFTs

Before diving into the world of NFT investments, it is crucial to educate yourself about NFTs thoroughly.

Understand the concept, its technology, and the potential risks and rewards associated with NFT investments. Stay updated with the latest trends and developments in the NFT market.

Step 2: Set Up a Digital Wallet

To invest in NFTs, you will need a digital wallet that supports NFTs. A digital wallet is a secure software application that allows you to store, manage, and interact with your NFTs.

Popular wallets that support NFTs include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet. Choose a wallet compatible with the NFT marketplace you plan to use.

Step 3: Choose an NFT Marketplace

Selecting the right NFT marketplace is crucial for a successful NFT investment journey. Several NFT marketplaces are available, each with unique features, fees, and user base.

Some popular NFT marketplaces include OpenSea, Rarible, SuperRare, and NBA Top Shot. Research and compare the platforms to find the one that aligns with your investment goals and preferences.

Step 4: Research and Select NFTs

Once you have set up your wallet and chosen a marketplace, it’s time to research and select the NFTs you want to invest in. Explore various categories such as art, collectibles, music, or virtual real estate.

Analyze the historical sales data, the creator’s reputation, and the uniqueness of the asset. Consider factors like scarcity, demand, and potential future value before making investment decisions.

Step 5: Make Your Purchase

After thorough research, it’s time to make your first NFT purchase. Follow the guidelines provided by the chosen NFT marketplace to place your bid or buy the desired NFT.

Pay attention to the gas fees (transaction fees) associated with blockchain transactions, which can vary depending on network congestion.

Step 6: Store and Secure Your NFTs

Once you have acquired your NFTs, it is essential to store them securely. Transfer your purchased NFTs to your digital wallet for safekeeping.

Consider using hardware wallets for enhanced security. Regularly update your wallet software and follow best practices to protect your digital assets from potential threats.

FAQs About Buying and Selling NFTs in Nigeria

Can anyone buy and sell NFTs in Nigeria?

Yes, anyone with internet access and a digital wallet can participate in buying and selling NFTs in Nigeria.

Do I need to be an artist to sell NFTs?

While many NFTs are created by artists, you don’t have to be an artist to sell NFTs. You can sell digital collectibles, virtual real estate, or even tokenize your expertise.

Are there any legal considerations when buying or selling NFTs in Nigeria?

As the NFT market is relatively new, there may be legal considerations regarding copyright, intellectual property, and taxation. It’s advisable to consult legal professionals for specific guidance.

How can I ensure the security of my NFTs?

To enhance the security of your NFTs, follow best practices such as using a reputable digital wallet, enabling two-factor authentication, and keeping your private keys safe.

What are the fees associated with buying and selling NFTs in Nigeria?

NFT marketplaces typically charge transaction fees, gas fees (Ethereum network fees), and sometimes a percentage of the sale price as a platform fee. Be aware of these fees and factor them into your buying and selling decisions.

Are there any tax implications for NFT transactions in Nigeria?

Tax regulations vary by jurisdiction, and it’s essential to understand the tax implications of NFT transactions in Nigeria. Consult a tax professional to ensure compliance with local tax laws.

Can anyone invest in NFTs in Nigeria?

Anyone with an internet connection and a digital wallet can invest in NFTs in Nigeria. NFT investments are open to individuals from various backgrounds, including artists, collectors, and investors.

What are the risks associated with investing in NFTs?

As with any investment, there are risks involved in NFT investments. The value of NFTs can be highly volatile, and there is a risk of losing your investment if the market value declines. Additionally, scams or counterfeit NFTs are possible, so it is crucial to conduct thorough research before making any purchases.

Are there any legal considerations for NFT investments in Nigeria?

While NFT investments are gaining popularity, the regulatory landscape is still evolving. It is advisable to consult with legal professionals to understand the legal implications of NFT investments in Nigeria and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

How can I determine the value of an NFT?

The value of an NFT is subjective and can vary depending on factors like rarity, demand, the reputation of the creator, and the perceived value within the NFT community. Research the sales history of similar NFTs and analyze the overall market trends to gain insights into the potential value of an NFT.

Can I sell my NFTs in Nigeria?

Yes, you can sell your NFTs in Nigeria. NFT marketplaces provide a platform for creators and investors to sell their digital assets. Ensure you comply with the marketplace’s guidelines and applicable tax regulations when selling your NFTs.

Are there any tax implications for NFT investments in Nigeria?

Tax regulations regarding NFT investments can vary, and it is essential to consult with tax professionals to understand the specific tax implications in Nigeria. Properly documenting your transactions and seeking professional advice can help ensure compliance with tax regulations.


The world of NFTs presents exciting opportunities for artists, collectors, and enthusiasts in Nigeria. By following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can confidently navigate the process of buying and selling NFTs in Nigeria.

Remember to conduct thorough research, choose reputable platforms, prioritize security, and engage with the vibrant NFT community. Embrace the digital revolution and become part of the growing NFT ecosystem in Nigeria.

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