TRC20 vs ERC20: Differences Between TRC20 and ERC20

In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, two prominent token standards have emerged as frontrunners: TRC20 vs ERC20.

While both serve as tokens for smart contracts, they possess distinctive features and are associated with different blockchain networks.

This article delves into the dissimilarities between TRC20 and ERC20, exploring their unique attributes and use cases.

However, many people may not know that Tether exists on multiple blockchain networks, including TRC-20 and ERC-20.

This article will explore the key differences between these two networks and their implications for users and the broader crypto ecosystem.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • TRC20 and ERC20 are token standards for creating and managing tokens on their respective blockchain networks but exhibit key differences.
  • TRC20 functions on the Tron blockchain network, whereas ERC20 operates on the Ethereum blockchain network.
  • TRC20 tokens boast significantly lower transaction fees than ERC20 tokens, owing to the Tron network’s inherently lower fees.
  • The TRC20 standard empowers developers to create smart contracts on the Tron network, enabling automated execution of specific tasks without human intervention.
  • Despite TRC20’s advantages, ERC20 tokens maintain widespread adoption due to their establishment and a broader range of features.

What Is TRC20?

TRC20 represents a technical standard designed for smart contracts on the TRON blockchain. It streamlines the creation of tokens that users can transact within the TRON network, commonly known as TRC20 tokens.

This protocol builds upon its predecessor, TRC10, providing developers with a versatile interface to craft tokens seamlessly integrating with the TRON blockchain.

The primary distinction between TRC20 and TRC10 lies in the use of the TRON Virtual Machine (TVM) in the former, which enhances functionality for token development. TVM empowers developers to implement custom functions within tokens, allowing for complex transactions.

Moreover, TRC20 facilitates the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) on the TRON network, enabling developers to build applications utilizing the native TRC20 tokens.

The top 5 TRC20 tokens, including USDT, USDC, BUSD, USDD, and BTT, highlight the significance and popularity of this token standard.

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What Is ERC20?

ERC20, short for Ethereum Request for Comments 20, constitutes a technical standard for smart contracts within the Ethereum blockchain network. Proposed by Fabian Vogelsteller in 2015, ERC20 has emerged as the most widely adopted format for creating tokens.

It establishes a set of rules that all Ethereum tokens must adhere to, ensuring seamless interactions between new tokens and existing smart contracts.

One of the key advantages of ERC20 is the defined methods that facilitate the smooth transfer of tokens between addresses and approvals for spending by other addresses. Additionally, ERC20 specifies an interface for querying the total token supply, individual balances, and the rate of new token issuance.

The uniformity of the underlying code for all ERC20 tokens makes them highly interchangeable, simplifying the development and deployment of dApps that rely on multiple tokens. Users also benefit from the ease of switching between different ERC20 tokens.

The top 5 ERC20 tokens, including USDT, USDC, BUSD, SHIB, and DAI, exemplify this standard’s widespread adoption and usage.

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How Does Tether Work?

Tether operates by holding reserves of traditional fiat currencies in a 1:1 ratio to the number of USDT tokens in circulation.

For example, if there are 100 million USDT tokens in circulation, there should be 100 million US Dollars held in reserves. This setup is intended to ensure that USDT remains stable and secure.

Before diving into the differences, let’s briefly understand Tether (USDT). Tether is a type of cryptocurrency known as a stablecoin, designed to maintain a 1:1 value with traditional fiat currencies like the US Dollar (USD).

This stability makes it a preferred choice for traders to hedge against market volatility without leaving the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

One platform to deeply learn how TRC20 and ERC20 works is TransferXO. You learn more about how to trade cryptocurrency from this platform.

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Where to Store TRC20 or ERC20 Tokens Securely?

For secure storage of TRC20 and ERC20 tokens, a reliable wallet like TransferXO comes to the forefront.

TransferXO Fiat Wallet is a multi-cryptocurrency wallet, accommodating over 60 blockchains and more than 400k tokens, including TRC20 and ERC20 tokens.

Safeguarding your digital assets is paramount, and TransferXO Fiat Wallet offers a comprehensive solution for this purpose.

To store your TRC20 and ERC20 tokens securely with TransferXO, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Guarda Wallet app on your mobile device, desktop, or access it through a web browser.
  2. Create an account and set a strong password. Ensure to keep a written record of your password, as Guarda does not store user data.
  3. Add the TRC and ERC-based token wallets of your choice to your portfolio.
  4. Download and save the TXT backup file received each time you add a token. Safeguarding this information ensures the security of your wallet.

By adhering to these steps, you can rest assured that your TRC20 and ERC20 tokens remain safe and easily accessible through Guarda Wallet.

USDT TRC20 vs ERC20 Tokens

USDT (TRC20) and USDT (ERC20) are stablecoins but operate on different blockchains. USDT (TRC20) is tethered to the Tron blockchain, whereas USDT (ERC20) finds its foundation within the Ethereum network.

Notably, USDT (TRC20) stands out for its faster transaction speeds and lower fees, making it an attractive choice for traders seeking efficiency.

Conversely, USDT (ERC20) enjoys greater popularity and is preferred for those prioritizing long-term stability.

Let’s compare both token standards comprehensively, considering crucial aspects such as blockchain network, transaction speed, token addresses, transaction security, gas fees, and scalability.

Blockchain Network

TRC20 tokens operate within the TRON blockchain, while ERC20 tokens operate within the Ethereum blockchain.

Transaction Speed

TRC20 tokens stand out for their remarkable transaction speeds, outpacing their ERC20 counterparts. TRC20 tokens can execute within minutes, often clocking in at less than 3 minutes. In contrast, ERC20 tokens typically take about 15 minutes to process.

The TRON network’s transaction processing capacity reaches up to 2,000 transactions per second, whereas the Ethereum network lags with only 15 transactions per second capacity.

Token Addresses

TRC20 tokens utilize TRON addresses, which begin with ‘T.’ Conversely, ERC20 tokens use Ethereum addresses represented by the format ‘0x’ followed by a series of hexadecimal digits.

Transaction Security

Both TRC20 and ERC20 tokens boast secure transactions, deriving their strength from decentralized and immutable blockchains.

TRC20 tokens find security in the Tron Virtual Machine, a robust environment within the Tron blockchain network.

Similarly, ERC20 tokens derive their security from the Ethereum Virtual Machine, designed to ensure the validity and security of all transactions within the Ethereum network.

Gas Fees

TRC20 tokens exhibit a distinct advantage in terms of lower gas fees when compared to ERC20 tokens. The TRON network’s inherently lower fees contribute to this advantage.


TRC20 tokens enjoy superior scalability, primarily due to their faster transaction speeds. With the capacity to process up to 2000 transactions per second, TRC20 tokens outperform ERC20 tokens, which can only process 15 transactions per second.

TRC20 vs ERC20: Differences Between USDT on TRC-20 and ERC-20

Tether (USDT) exists on multiple blockchain networks, including TRC-20, which is based on the Tron blockchain, and ERC-20, which operates on the Ethereum blockchain.

The choice of network can influence various aspects of Tether’s functionality and user experience.

Let’s explore the key differences between the two.

Blockchain Technology – TRC-20 vs ERC-20

The most significant variance between Tether on the TRC-20 and ERC-20 networks lies in the underlying blockchain technology.

TRC-20 is a protocol native to the Tron blockchain, known for its high transaction speeds and low fees.

On the other hand, ERC-20 is the standard for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, renowned for its robustness and widespread adoption.

Transaction Speed and Scalability

TRC-20’s consensus mechanism allows for faster block confirmations compared to ERC-20, resulting in quicker transaction speeds.

Tron’s network can process up to 2,000 transactions per second, whereas Ethereum’s capacity is generally limited to around 15 transactions per second.

As a result, TRC-20 offers greater scalability, making it more suitable for high-frequency trading and decentralized applications.

Transaction Fees

Tether transactions on the TRC-20 network tend to have significantly lower fees compared to those on the ERC-20 network.

The difference in transaction costs can be substantial, especially during periods of high network congestion.

This cost-effectiveness enhances the appeal of TRC-20 for traders and users looking to minimize expenses.

Interoperability and Cross-Chain Transactions

Due to the isolated nature of blockchain networks, moving Tether between TRC-20 and ERC-20 may incur additional steps and fees.

Interoperability solutions are continually being developed, but at present, direct cross-chain transactions are not as seamless as transfers within the same network. This consideration can influence users’ decisions based on their specific requirements.

Smart Contract Functionality

Smart contracts are a fundamental feature of the Ethereum ecosystem, facilitating decentralized applications (DApps) and automated transactions.

As ERC-20 is Ethereum’s native standard for smart contracts, Tether on the ERC-20 network can seamlessly interact with various DApps, providing broader utility compared to TRC-20.

Decentralization and Governance

Both Tron and Ethereum boast decentralized networks; however, they differ in their governance models.

Tron’s decision-making process relies on a delegated proof-of-stake mechanism, whereas Ethereum is transitioning to Ethereum 2.0, which implements a proof-of-stake consensus.

The governance model can impact the networks’ overall stability and future development.

Security and Network Stability

Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard has been widely adopted for years, proving its security and network stability over time.

Tron’s TRC-20 protocol, though promising, is relatively newer. As with any blockchain network, security should always be a priority, and the history of a network can provide valuable insights.

Token Supply and Market Liquidity

The supply of Tether (USDT) on TRC-20 and ERC-20 networks might vary, leading to potential differences in market liquidity. Traders and investors should consider the implications of choosing one network over the other, especially during volatile market conditions.

Integration with Exchanges and Wallets

As Tether (USDT) on both networks is widely used, the support of exchanges and wallets can differ between TRC-20 and ERC-20. Users should ensure that their preferred platforms support the network they intend to use for seamless transactions.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Opportunities

The ERC-20 standard’s strong presence in the DeFi ecosystem opens up more opportunities for users seeking to participate in decentralized finance protocols. DeFi applications built on Ethereum can offer attractive yields and unique financial services.

Regulatory Considerations

The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies can vary significantly between jurisdictions. While Tether (USDT) itself is a stablecoin, the regulatory environment of the underlying networks could impact users and businesses operating within those networks.

Community and Adoption

Both TRC-20 and ERC-20 networks have active and supportive communities. The level of adoption and community engagement can influence the development of the respective networks and their long-term viability.

User Interface and Experience

Wallets and user interfaces designed for specific networks might offer distinct features and user experiences. Evaluating the ease of use and accessibility can be crucial for users, especially those new to cryptocurrency.

Environmental Impact

As blockchain networks consume energy during mining or validating transactions, the environmental impact can vary between TRC-20 and ERC-20 networks. Users concerned about sustainability may consider this factor in their decision-making.

Stability and Reliability

Stability is a vital characteristic of any financial instrument. Analyzing Tether’s historical performance and reliability on both networks can give users valuable insights into its suitability for their needs.

Regulatory Compliance and Transparency

Transparency and regulatory compliance are crucial aspects of stablecoins. Understanding both networks’ reporting and auditing practices can help users make informed decisions.

Risk Management and Security Best Practices

Regardless of the network, users should adopt robust security practices and exercise caution while transacting with any cryptocurrency. Understanding risk management techniques can protect users from potential threats.

Long-term Viability and Roadmap

Evaluating the respective networks’ long-term roadmap and development plans can provide foresight into their future prospects.

Developer Support and Ecosystem Growth

A thriving developer community is essential for the continuous improvement of blockchain networks. Assessing developer support and ecosystem growth can indicate the networks’ potential for innovation.

User Privacy and Anonymity

Blockchain transactions are generally public, but users may have preferences for networks that prioritize privacy and anonymity features.

How to Buy, Sell, or Exchange TRC20 and ERC20 Tokens?

Guarda Wallet presents an intuitive and secure platform for buying, selling, and exchanging TRC20 and ERC20 tokens. Following the guidelines in ‘Where to Store TRC20 or ERC20 Tokens Securely?’, your wallet is poised to engage in these transactions effortlessly.

To purchase, sell, or exchange TRC20 and ERC20 tokens using Guarda Wallet, simply navigate to the Exchange section. Select the currency you wish to convert, and benefit from Guarda’s competitive exchange rates without needing KYC or registration. With Guarda, you receive the tokens you desire directly into your wallet.


Can I send USDT-TRC20 to an Ethereum address?

No, USDT-TRC20 and USDT-ERC20 are incompatible with each other. Sending USDT-TRC20 to an Ethereum address or vice versa will result in the loss of funds.

Which network is more popular for USDT, TRON, or Ethereum?

As of the current market situation, USDT on the Ethereum network (USDT-ERC20) has been more popular historically. However, TRON’s growing popularity and lower transaction fees may influence the choice of users in the future.

Can I convert USDT between TRC-20 and ERC-20?

Yes, some exchanges and platforms support the conversion of USDT between TRC-20 and ERC-20. However, users must be cautious and double-check the conversion process to avoid any loss of funds.

Which network is better for trading USDT?

Both TRON and Ethereum networks have their advantages for trading USDT. Traders who prioritize fast and low-cost transactions may prefer USDT-TRC20 on TRON, while those already active in the Ethereum ecosystem may choose USDT-ERC20 for convenience.

How often are USDT updates implemented on TRON and Ethereum?

The frequency of updates and improvements to USDT on TRON and Ethereum can vary. Both networks’ development teams continuously work to enhance their respective protocols and address any issues that may arise. Users should stay updated with official announcements from Tether and the blockchain networks for the latest information.

Is Tether (USDT) TRC-20 the same as Tether (USDT) ERC-20?

No, Tether (USDT) on the TRC-20 and ERC-20 networks are distinct implementations of the stablecoin. While they serve the same purpose of maintaining a 1:1 peg with the US Dollar, they exist on different blockchain networks.

Can I freely transfer Tether between TRC-20 and ERC-20?

Currently, transferring Tether between TRC-20 and ERC-20 networks involves using third-party services or exchanges. It’s important to carefully follow the instructions and verify fees before making any cross-chain transfers.

Which network is better for high-frequency trading?

TRC-20’s faster transaction speeds and lower fees make it more suitable for high-frequency trading compared to ERC-20.

Can I use Tether (USDT) on TRC-20 for Ethereum-based DeFi applications?

No, Tether on TRC-20 is not natively compatible with Ethereum-based DeFi applications. To participate in Ethereum DeFi, you’ll need Tether on the ERC-20 network.

Are there any risks associated with Tether (USDT) on both networks?

As with any cryptocurrency, there are inherent risks associated with using Tether on both TRC-20 and ERC-20 networks. Users should exercise caution, adopt security best practices, and stay informed about potential vulnerabilities.

Which network is more environmentally friendly?

Ethereum’s transition to Ethereum 2.0 aims to significantly reduce energy consumption, making it potentially more environmentally friendly than TRC-20 in the long run.


Tether (USDT) has found its way into two major blockchain networks, TRON and Ethereum, through their respective TRC-20 and ERC-20 standards.

Each network offers unique advantages and disadvantages, making the choice between USDT-TRC20 and USDT-ERC20 dependent on the specific needs and preferences of the users.

The differences between TRC20 and ERC20 token standards present intriguing insights. TRC20 serves as the native token of the Tron blockchain, while ERC20 tokens rely on Ethereum’s network. Both standards play a crucial role in creating tokens across diverse blockchains.

The primary distinction lies in their transaction management methods, with TRC20 offering enhanced efficiency and speed. However, ERC20 tokens boast greater compatibility and flexibility with various wallets and exchanges.

As the cryptocurrency space continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest developments and network upgrades is essential.

Regardless of the network, USDT remains a critical player in providing stability and liquidity in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies.

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