How Does Crypto Leverage Trading Work and Why Do You Need One?

Cryptocurrency leverage trading, often referred to as margin trading, is a trading strategy that allows traders to borrow funds to amplify their position in the market. In essence, it magnifies both profits and losses, making it a high-risk, high-reward endeavor.

The truth is leverage in crypto trading acts as a tool that allows traders to magnify their exposure to the market without necessarily increasing their capital investment. But with greater power comes greater responsibility, and in the volatile landscape of cryptocurrencies, this is particularly poignant.

A trader using leverage does not need to put down the full value of a trade but only a fraction, known as the margin. For instance, at 10x leverage, a $100 investment can have the buying power of $1,000.

In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricate workings of crypto leverage trading, explaining not only how it operates but also why it’s a valuable tool for traders seeking financial success in the cryptocurrency market.

Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a newbie, understanding crypto leverage trading is crucial for maximizing your gains and managing risks effectively if you want to trade on TransferXO.

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What Is Leverage in Crypto Trading?

Leverage is the trading of cryptocurrencies or other assets using “not your” capital. As a result, you can trade with more money than you actually have due to an increase in your buying or selling power. 

Customers may receive up to 100 times their account balance in some circumstances. A cryptocurrency exchange is the only factor that determines how much leverage a trader can use.

A leverage ratio, such as 1:5 (5x), 1:20 (20x), or 1:50 (50x), shows how many times your initial capital you have available. Let’s say you opened a position for 10,000 USD on a cryptocurrency. Your exchange balance of $1,000 has the same purchasing power as $10,000 when leveraged by ten times.

In addition to margin trading, leveraged tokens, and futures contracts, leverage can be used to trade a variety of crypto derivatives.

Keep in mind that before you borrow money from the exchange, you must first make a deposit. The initial investment you make will thereafter be referred to as the collateral by the broker. 

The amount of collateral required will depend on how much leverage you use and the overall value of the transactions you want to open. Margin is another name for this.

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How Does Leverage Trading Work in Crypto

It’s crucial to keep in mind that leverage trading uses ratios of 1:10, 1:50, 1:100, 1:500, and up to 1:1000. 

This means that if you want to invest $1000 at a leverage of 1:100 (100x leverage) in a digital asset, you can only create a position with $100. You have a 10x possible profit and 10x potential loss with a leveraged transaction like this.

Trading positions can be opened either long or short. Therefore, you open long bets on digital assets if you think their value will increase. For short positions, the situation is the opposite.

Going short on Bitcoin, for instance, in spot trading entails borrowing the cryptocurrency, which you then sell. If the price falls, you can purchase Bitcoin at a reduced cost and sell it later, keeping the proceeds.

Traders are required to have a certain amount in their accounts as collateral in order to open long bets on leveraged trades. The broker returns the client’s initial money plus profit if the trade is successful. 

In the event that the deal is a failure, the broker keeps the funds and closes the position. Lower leverage is advised by proper risk management to lessen the likelihood of liquidation.

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Leverage and Volatility in the Crypto Market

Does leverage cause market volatility for cryptocurrencies? Few people understand how leverage and market volatility relate to one another, therefore questions about their effects have been a focus of cryptocurrency discussions.

Leverage is just one of several factors contributing to the extreme volatility of Bitcoin and other blockchains. For instance, volatility in Bitcoin is a result of its ongoing price discovery, which is due to its relative youth as an asset class. Another element that affects Bitcoin’s volatility is its restricted quantity of 21 million units, which cannot be raised.

Blockchain technology is susceptible to price manipulation and influence from whales and other capital-intensive institutions in the absence of an appropriate regulatory framework, which creates its own volatility.

Many people are unaware that the market volatility for Bitcoin is partly a result of traders using leverage excessively. 

Leverage raises the likelihood of liquidation, which is a swift, severe, and complete loss of cash should your prognosis prove incorrect. Due to Bitcoin’s high level of volatility, traders who employ excessive leverage frequently find themselves liquidating many accounts when the market moves against their bets.

Due to the fact that these traders use Bitcoin as collateral and sell it when their positions are liquidated, this circumstance puts additional downward pressure on the price of Bitcoin. 

That is obviously not the case for experienced traders who prudently hedge their positions or set up their wagers such that a sudden bear market won’t lead to big losses.

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    Leverage Trading Crypto Example

    Let’s look at a few examples of trading with leverage in detail.

    Example of a Leveraged Long Position

    Assuming, for instance, that the price of an asset would go UP, you might want to establish a $100,000 long position with a 10x leverage. 

    The margin in this instance will be $10,000. If the asset’s price increases by 15%, the net profit will be $15,000, which is significantly more than the profit of $1,500 achieved without using leverage.

    If you are wrong in your assumption and the price drops by 15%, your position will be liquidated. The exchange will send a margin call notice before liquidation. You can escape liquidation by accumulating more assets and raising your margin.

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    Example of a Leveraged Short Position

    Imagine the inverse now. You wish to establish a $100,000 short position with 10x leverage because you believe that the price of an asset will go DOWN. 

    In this situation, you must borrow the asset from another trader and sell it at the going rate. The amount is $10,000. You can sell the asset for $100,000 because you are trading with a 10x leverage.

    Let’s assume that the asset currently costs $100,000. You make the decision to borrow and sell one asset unit. You can purchase back one unit of the asset for $85,000 if you correctly predicted the direction of the market and the asset’s price falls 15% (to $85,000). That would produce a net profit of $15,000. 

    You would need to put up an additional $15,000 in order to purchase one unit of the asset back if your prediction turned out to be incorrect and the price of the asset increased by 15% to $115,000.

    If the sum hits $1,000, the position will be liquidated. You must deposit more money till your position is above the liquidation threshold if you want to avoid liquidation.

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    Why Do You Need Leverage in Crypto Trading?

    Below are reasons why you need to use leverage in trading:

    Extra purchase power

    The most interesting and useful part of leverage trading is perhaps the fact that it boosts your purchasing power. As a result, traders are able to trade up from their present position at a price higher than the initial contract.

    New possibilities for investing

    Leveraged trading enables traders to swiftly set new targets while also increasing their purchasing power. The process typically entails borrowing money in addition to utilizing your existing assets. 

    Then, by putting more assets into your account, you’ll put it to work. This is a great investing method since it allows you to grow your account at a set rate. 

    Even while this process could be slightly riskier than other well-known trading strategies, it nevertheless offers a ton of opportunity to get extra money into your account.

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    Leveraged trading increases the flexibility of your investment portfolio. With smaller amounts of well-maintained wealth, you can rapidly achieve big gains. 

    As long as you have earnings in your account, you can pay your broker on time without even missing an interest rate.

    Even better, you may significantly increase your profit by using your multiplied position. Your financial objectives and your broker’s reputation are both enhanced as a result.

    Expansion of the account

    Leverage is a strategy that experienced traders use to effectively use borrowed capital and funds. Many traders assert that having an understanding of leverage trading enables them to trade at levels they otherwise wouldn’t be able to. 

    In addition, traders are allowed to trade for additional contracts, assets, and many other things. Leveraged trading provides the chance to put new strategies into practice and ultimately unlock the full potential of your account.

    Common Leverage Trading Instruments

    Derivatives are the method of leveraging trades that is most widely used. In its most basic form, a derivative is an agreement between two or more parties, the value of which is based on an underlying financial asset.

    Regarding Bitcoin, Jane predicts a decline to $30k from next week’s $40k, while Sam predicts an increase to $50k. They agree that if BTC increases to $50k the next week, Jane will pay Sam $10,000, and if BTC decreases to $30k, Sam will likewise pay Jane $10,000. 

    This demonstrates how traders frequently use derivatives since they enable them to make money on the market in both directions.

    Derivatives contracts come in a variety of forms, including:

    • Bitcoin futures: 

    With this contract, investors have the choice to buy or sell Bitcoin at a predetermined price and date on a cryptocurrency exchange. The only difference between it and a futures contract is that there is no need for a trigger.

    • Bitcoins Options: 

    With a Bitcoin option, investors have the choice to purchase or sell Bitcoin at a predetermined price and time. The only difference between it and a futures contract is that there is no need for a trigger.

    • Bitcoin Perpetual: 

    Perpetuals are a type of bitcoin that has no expiration date or price cap. As long as certain requirements are satisfied, a trader may open a position for as long as he chooses.

    Ways to Manage Your Risk When Using Leverage

    Knowing how leverage operates, you must control your risk while applying it. Here are some methods for doing that:

    Determine Your Risk Per Trade

    Determine the percentage of your capital you plan to risk per trade before deciding how much leverage you intend to utilize.

    No matter how lucrative a deal appears to be, many skilled traders recommend not risking more than 3-5% of trading money per trade. 

    This is due to the fact that no trade has a guaranteed result, and using excessive leverage will put your financial stability at serious risk if the trade consistently goes against your prediction.

    Use Stop Loss and Take Profit Targets

    Market orders such as stop-loss and take-profit let traders manage how much money they make or lose on any individual trading position. 

    The take profit protects your profit when the price reaches a certain point, whilst the stop loss serves to limit your losses when the price reaches a predetermined point.

    No matter how volatile the market is or how much leverage you are using, the stop-loss and take-profit orders will help you maintain control. 

    Consider a scenario in which you have a risk-to-reward ratio and, regardless of the amount of leverage you employ, you risk 2% of your account per trade. 

    Since the loss will still occur as expected, using a stop loss that closes the deal when the market moves 2% against you keeps you in the game. A single bad deal can cost you a lot of money if you don’t apply a stop loss.

    Keep a Separate Account

    Even with the best analysis, the cryptocurrency market is unpredictable, so your forecasts may not come true.

    Leveraging all the funds in your account is risky because you can’t always be precise. Since you don’t want to lose your entire portfolio, doing so may influence your emotions.

    Due to this, it is preferable to allocate a portion of your capital to a separate account specifically for leveraged trading.

    Try Leveraging a Simulated Account

    If you don’t know how leverage works, you can’t manage how much of it you use. Since there are no dangers involved, testing it out on a virtual account is one of the greatest methods to understand how it works.

    You can determine how much leverage you feel comfortable employing after some paper trading to help you understand how leverage works. You can trade with a simulated account just like you would with a real one by using a paper trading or mock trading account.

    Your profit and loss will be impacted by the leverage you apply in the same manner that it would have in a live account. Consequently, knowing your level of leverage can be helpful.

    Cryptocurrency Margin Trading Strategies

    There are numerous margin trading tactics. We will examine them below.

    Gradually Increase Trade Size

    Begin trading on margin with a modest down payment and progressively increase the number of open positions. As a result, you can get the required experience without taking a significant financial risk.

    Practice Trading with Demo Trading

    A demo account is an effective tool for traders of all levels. It enables you to test out a wide range of trading techniques, look up commissions, and become familiar with a fresh crypto exchange.

    Set clearly defined goals and minimize risk

    Make a strategy for your trading before you begin. Because there is a significant risk involved in margin trading, having a plan is essential.

    Building effective tactics requires a thorough comprehension of the margin trading regulations. The key distinction between professional trading and gambling is strategy.

    Divide your Positions

    A Single user account has open trades on two or more other trading accounts. The margin between accounts will be isolated as a result, meaning that a loss on one account won’t affect the balance on the other.

    Limit the time period of your trades

    Reduce the duration of your trades. You can reduce risks and prevent unexpectedly negative market swings by taking larger positions that have a predetermined length.

    How Does Leverage Trading Impact Bitcoin Price?

    Is the existence of leverage beneficial or detrimental to the Bitcoin market? Given that excessive leverage was a major contributing factor in the May 2021 Bitcoin meltdown, it might be simple to draw the conclusion that it’s bad. 

    But besides volatility, it will also be useful to think about the function of leverage in cryptocurrency markets.

    Liquidity, a crucial component, is added through leverage to the bitcoin market. 

    Additionally, the market’s high liquidity guarantees effective trade execution at set prices, which benefits market makers’ ability to discover prices considerably more. 

    For instance, according to statistics collected by TokenInsight from 42 exchanges, the market for cryptocurrency derivatives saw a trading volume of over $2 trillion in 2020.

    Although leverage trading is generally beneficial for the market, its excessive use is what harms the Bitcoin market. Leveraged trading will continue to have a favorable impact on the Bitcoin market if greed is restrained and risk management is applied well.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Should I trade crypto with leverage?

    By borrowing funds from a broker, traders can trade larger positions, leading to greater profits. However, leverage trading also carries the risk of greater losses, so choosing a platform that offers a high level of security, reliability, and user-friendliness is essential.

    What is the benefit of leverage in Crypto?

    Leverage in trading allows you to control a larger position with a smaller amount of capital. A leverage of 2:1 means that for every $1 you have, you can control $2 of a trading position. Similarly, a leverage of 10:1 means you can control $10 for every $1 you have.

    Is crypto leverage trading suitable for beginners?

    Yes, but it’s essential to start with a solid understanding of cryptocurrency markets and risk management. Consider practicing with a demo account before trading with real funds.

    Are there tax implications for leverage trading?

    Yes, tax regulations vary by country, but in many cases, profits from leverage trading are subject to capital gains tax. It’s crucial to report your earnings accurately to comply with tax laws.

    Does increasing leverage increase profit crypto?

    Leverage trading increases your investment position size for increased profits, and it also leaves you vulnerable to huge losses.

    How does leverage affect profit in crypto trading?

    Leverage trading allows you to trade using borrowed funds, which can increase your buying power. In other words, you can open a larger position than your own capital would allow. This means that you can make larger profits than traditional trading with the same amount of capital.

    What happens if you lose a trade with leverage?

    Using leverage can result in much higher downside risk, sometimes resulting in losses greater than your initial capital investment. On top of that, brokers and contract traders often charge fees, premiums, and margin rates. This means that if you lose on your trade, you’ll still be on the hook for extra charges.

    Can you lose more money with leverage?

    While it can increase your potential profits, it can also lead to substantial losses, as you could wipe out your entire account balance if the market moves against you. Therefore, it’s essential to use leverage trading wisely, with a full understanding of the risks involved.


    Trading with cryptocurrencies can produce amazing results and provide wealth to many. They are a fantastic, contemporary, and efficient financial tool. However, it is the riskiest and most volatile asset class. Trading cryptocurrency can become much crazier if you mix it with leveraged trading.

    Leverage makes it simple to get started with less money upfront and see the possibility for higher returns. However, because of leverage and market volatility, using a lot of leverage could lead to liquidation soon.

    By enabling you to establish broader but careful stops and avoid a higher capital loss, lower leverage applied to every transaction gives you more breathing room. Keep in mind that changing the leverage can be done to suit the demands of each trader. 

    Always exercise caution when trading, and before utilizing leverage, take into account your risk tolerance. Never use leverage while trading with money you cannot afford to lose, under any circumstances.

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