How To Earn Money With DeFi in Nigeria: A Sep-by-Step Guide

How To Earn Money With DeFi in Nigeria: A Sep-by-Step Guide
How To Earn Money With DeFi in Nigeria: A Sep-by-Step Guide

Wondering how to earn money with DeFi? DeFi is the best way to earn passive income in crypto, with several ways to do it. DeFi offers exciting opportunities for Nigerians to participate in financial activities unbound by traditional banking systems.

DeFi offers a new and exciting way for Nigerians to earn money through the blockchain and cryptocurrencies as technology advances.

This guide will take you through earning money with DeFi in Nigeria, providing expert insights and practical tips to help you navigate this exciting landscape successfully.

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Table of Contents

What is DeFi?

DeFi, short for decentralized finance, refers to a set of financial services and applications built on blockchain technology.

Unlike traditional financial systems, DeFi operates without intermediaries such as banks or financial institutions, making it decentralized and accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

DeFi encompasses many services, including lending, borrowing, trading, yield farming, and more.

These services are typically facilitated by smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written directly into code.

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Understanding the Benefits and Risks of DeFi

Benefits of DeFi

DeFi offers several advantages that have made it increasingly popular among users in Nigeria and around the world:

  • Financial Inclusion: DeFi eliminates the need for intermediaries, providing financial services to the unbanked and underbanked populations.
  • Accessibility: Anyone with an internet connection can access DeFi platforms, empowering individuals to control their finances independently.
  • Transparency: Transactions on the blockchain are publicly recorded and easily auditable, ensuring high transparency.
  • Global Accessibility: DeFi platforms are not limited by geographic boundaries, allowing users from around the world to participate.
  • Earn Passive Income: DeFi allows users to earn passive income through staking, liquidity provision, and yield farming.

Risks of DeFi

While DeFi presents exciting opportunities, it is essential to be aware of the risks involved:

  • Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Bugs or vulnerabilities in smart contracts can lead to potential financial losses.
  • Impermanent Loss: When providing liquidity to a DeFi platform, fluctuations in asset prices can lead to impermanent losses.
  • Regulatory Uncertainty: DeFi is relatively new and operates in a regulatory grey area, potentially leading to legal and compliance issues.
  • Market Volatility: Cryptocurrencies are known for their price volatility, and the value of assets held in DeFi protocols can be subject to significant fluctuations.

Step-by-Step Guide to Earning Money with DeFi in Nigeria

1. Educate Yourself on DeFi

The first step to success in DeFi is to gain a solid understanding of how it works. Familiarize yourself with blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and the various DeFi protocols.

Conduct thorough research and explore reputable sources, including whitepapers and official project documentation.

2. Set Up a Secure Wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet is essential for storing your digital assets securely. Opt for a hardware or reputable software wallet with robust security features.

Never share your private keys, and enable two-factor authentication for extra protection.

3. Choose a Reliable DeFi Platform

When selecting a DeFi platform, consider factors such as security, user experience, supported assets, and the platform’s reputation. Popular DeFi platforms in Nigeria include Compound, Aave, and PancakeSwap.

4. Start with a Small Investment

Dipping your toes into DeFi with a small investment is prudent, especially if you are new to the space. As you gain confidence and familiarity, you can gradually increase your investment.

5. Diversify Your DeFi Portfolio

Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket by diversifying your DeFi portfolio. Spread your investments across different protocols and assets to minimize risks.

6. Understand DeFi Tokenomics

Each DeFi platform has its native token; understanding its tokenomics is crucial. Tokenomics includes token supply, distribution, and utility factors within the platform’s ecosystem.

7. Participate in Yield Farming

Yield farming involves providing liquidity to DeFi platforms and earning rewards in return. Research the best farming opportunities and assess the risks before participating.

8. Utilize Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)

DEXs allow you to trade cryptocurrencies directly from your wallet without needing a centralized exchange. They offer increased privacy and security.

9. Stay Updated on DeFi Trends

DeFi is a fast-paced industry, with new protocols and trends emerging regularly. Stay informed through reputable crypto news platforms and community discussions.

10. Manage Risks and Be Cautious

DeFi is not without risks, and it’s essential to exercise caution. Avoid investing more than you can afford to lose, and be vigilant about potential scams.

11. Connect with the DeFi Community

Engage with the DeFi community through social media, forums, and online communities. Learning from experienced users can enhance your DeFi knowledge.

12. Keep Your Emotions in Check

The crypto market can be volatile, and price fluctuations can trigger emotional responses. Make rational decisions based on research and strategy rather than emotions.

13. Consider Staking

Staking involves locking up your tokens in a smart contract to support the network’s operations. You receive staking rewards, typically paid in the platform’s native token.

14. Take Advantage of DeFi Lending

DeFi lending platforms allow you to lend your cryptocurrencies and earn interest over time. Ensure you understand the terms and risks associated with lending.

15. Explore DeFi Insurance

As DeFi evolves, insurance protocols are emerging to protect users from smart contract vulnerabilities and hacks. Consider using DeFi insurance to safeguard your investments.

16. Participate in Governance

Some DeFi platforms allow token holders to participate in governance decisions. Get involved in the governance process to have a say in the platform’s future.

17. Avoid FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

The crypto market can be influenced by hype and speculation. Avoid making impulsive decisions based on FOMO and conduct thorough research before investing.

18. Learn from Mistakes and Adapt

As a beginner, you may encounter challenges and make mistakes. Learn from these experiences and adapt your strategies accordingly.

19. Understand Tax Implications

Earnings from DeFi may have tax implications. Consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with relevant tax laws.

20. Secure Your Investments Offline

Consider offline storage options, such as cold wallets, for significant amounts of crypto to protect against online threats.

21. Monitor Gas Fees

Gas fees are transaction fees on the blockchain. Be mindful of gas fees, especially during periods of high network congestion.

22. Know When to Take Profits

Greed can be detrimental to your investments. Set clear profit-taking goals and stick to them to secure your gains.

23. Embrace Continuous Learning

DeFi is a rapidly evolving space, and staying informed is crucial. Continuously educate yourself about new developments and opportunities.

24. Seek Professional Advice

If you’re unsure about any aspect of DeFi, don’t hesitate to seek advice from financial experts or blockchain professionals.

Ways to Earn Passive Income with DeFi in Nigeria

1. Staking

Staking involves locking up a certain amount of cryptocurrency in a DeFi platform to support the network’s operations.

In return, users receive rewards in the form of additional tokens. Many DeFi platforms offer staking services for various cryptocurrencies, providing a passive income stream for users.

2. Liquidity Pool Provision

Liquidity provision involves adding funds to a liquidity pool on decentralized exchanges. By doing so, users earn a portion of the transaction fees generated by the pool.

This method allows investors to earn passive income by providing liquidity to the DeFi ecosystem.

3. Yield Farming

Yield farming is a more advanced DeFi strategy that involves moving funds between different DeFi protocols to maximize returns.

Users can earn passive income by taking advantage of various incentives, rewards, and yield opportunities offered by DeFi platforms.

4. DeFi Savings Accounts

Some DeFi platforms offer savings accounts where users can deposit their cryptocurrencies and earn interest over time.

These accounts function similarly to traditional savings accounts but usually provide higher interest rates.

5. Staking-as-a-Service (StaaS)

StaaS platforms allow users to delegate their tokens to a staking pool managed by professionals.

The pool stakes the tokens on behalf of the user, who receives a share of the staking rewards. StaaS provides an accessible way for less tech-savvy individuals to participate in staking.

6. Dividend Payments from Governance Tokens

Some DeFi platforms issue governance tokens that entitle holders to participate in the platform’s decision-making process.

Holders of these tokens may also receive dividend payments or rewards based on the platform’s success.

7. Flash Loans

Flash loans are short-term, uncollateralized loans that users can obtain from DeFi platforms. Traders use these loans to exploit price discrepancies and arbitrage opportunities, earning a profit in the process.

8. Crypto Lending

Crypto lending platforms allow users to lend their cryptocurrencies to borrowers in exchange for interest. Users can generate passive income from the interest payments by lending out their digital assets.

9. Algorithmic Stablecoins

Algorithmic stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a stable value through automated adjustments of the token supply. Investors can earn passive income by participating in stabilizing the token’s value.

10. Token Airdrops

Some DeFi projects distribute free tokens to existing token holders as a marketing strategy or community reward. By holding certain tokens, users can passively receive airdrops and potentially benefit from their appreciation.

Best DeFi Trading Platforms in Nigeria | 2023 List

1. Polygon

Say hello to Polygon, a protocol stack designed to address Ethereum’s scalability challenges. As a second Ethereum-compatible blockchain, Polygon efficiently processes transactions and alleviates strain on the Ethereum network.

By returning processed transactions to the Ethereum network, Polygon significantly speeds up transactions and reduces costs to less than a penny.

Previously known as the Matic network, Polygon provides a scalable platform that simplifies the development of blockchain applications on Ethereum.

With Polygon, users in Nigeria can engage with any DApp without experiencing slowdowns on the network.

Polygon’s innovative approach allows it to scale Ethereum smart contracts to handle an impressive 72,000 transactions per second, far outpacing traditional blockchains. This is achieved through various scalability techniques, including sharding.

By linking Ethereum-based applications, Polygon maximizes the structural advantages of blockchain technology. As of August, Polygon hosts over 37,000 decentralized apps (DApps), proving its dominance in DeFi.

MATIC, Polygon’s native ERC-20 token, is used to pay transaction fees and reward users who stake the currency to secure the proof-of-stake network. These fees are significantly lower than Ethereum’s average transaction costs.

Polygon offers multiple protocols, including the zero-knowledge (zk) proof variant, allowing users to choose the best scaling method for their needs.

Zk proofs serve as cryptographic tools that validate certain assertions to another party without needing additional evidence.

The integration methods for project teams include plasma sidechains, proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain bridge, zk rollups, and optimistic rollups, each offering unique benefits for different use cases.

2. PancakeSwap

Introducing PancakeSwap, an emerging decentralized financial protocol built on Binance’s Smart Chain, revolutionizing the creation of cryptocurrency markets since its launch just a year ago.

PancakeSwap presents a convenient solution for coin holders for several reasons. Firstly, it operates on the Binance Chain BEP-2, benefiting from Binance’s position as the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, boasting an average daily transaction volume of $27 billion.

Moreover, the platform’s security is bolstered by CertiK, a leading smart contract security firm, providing users with a reliable and audited DeFi platform.

PancakeSwap facilitates token and cryptocurrency swaps directly, allowing users to retain ownership of their tokens. Though hosted on Binance, PancakeSwap operates independently, akin to Uniswap and Ethereum DEX.

Specifically tailored for BEP-20 coins on the Binance Smart Chain, PancakeSwap allows tokens from other platforms to be brought in through Binance Bridge, where they can be “wrapped” into BEP-20 tokens for usage on the PancakeSwap DEX.

Employing an automated money maker (AMM) methodology, PancakeSwap relies on user-generated liquidity pools to facilitate cryptocurrency exchanges. Users deposit funds into the pool to receive liquidity provider/LP tokens, which can be used to recover a share of trading costs or be exchanged for other currencies.

PancakeSwap offers various additional features, such as the ability to bet on Binance Coin’s (BNB) price movements within a specific timeframe, a lottery function with chances to win CAKE tokens, and a wide selection of NFTs with a rabbit motif.

Moreover, the platform hosts Initial Farm Offering (IFO) sales, allowing users to invest in new coins from emerging enterprises.

3. Colony Lab

Welcome to Colony Lab – an innovative business platform firmly rooted in contemporary concepts. As an integral part of the Avalanche ecosystem, Colony offers a novel approach to developing your next application.

One of the main selling points of this platform is its commitment to integrity and assistance for any startup. Understanding the concept is made simple through their user-friendly approach, ensuring entrepreneurs can make the most of this unique opportunity.

Colony has set itself up to embrace and nurture next-generation initiatives, effectively blending the best of both old and new with its unique financing system. By combining standard venture financing with a twist, Colony creates a dynamic environment for growth and success.

Inclusiveness and support are at the core of Colony’s values. The platform has established long-term partnerships with notable investors, including Cryptominati Capital, to fuel its vision further.

Colony has adopted a controlled fund structure since its inception, providing crucial resources to initiatives in their infancy and guiding them through their growth stages. This acceleration process enhances the entire Avalanche ecosystem.

Colony goes beyond providing initial support; it continues to contribute additional funds to its initiatives, ensuring security and liquidity. Moreover, the platform maintains an index of all completed Avalanche projects, keeping track of the achievements within the ecosystem.

But what truly sets Colony apart is its vibrant and open community. The organization allows for an inclusive governing structure, empowering the Avalanche community to freely allocate funds across the ecosystem. This bold move sets Colony apart from others in the market.

4. MakerDAO

In a remarkable endeavor, MakerDAO emerges as a global reserve bank operating on the Ethereum blockchain without any central authority.

Utilizing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, the Maker protocol automates the collateralization and lending of its stablecoin, known as DAI, while also offering governance capabilities.

MakerDAO stands as a decentralized crypto protocol that has adopted a central banking model on the blockchain, making its governance accessible to a distributed group of token holders (MKR holders).

The protocol achieves stability by creating a fully collateralized stablecoin, DAI. The term “collateralized” refers to a fixed sum of ETH held in Maker smart contracts, allowing users to mint DAI in proportion to their collateral.

The decentralization of central bank design empowers all MKR holders to alter interest rates, acceptable collateral, maximum debt limits, and incentives for saving, eliminating the exclusivity of decision-making faced in traditional central banking systems.

Nigerian traders can actively participate in the protocol’s governance by becoming MKR holders, breaking barriers that were previously restricted to a select group of technocrats.

Dai (DAI) represents a hybrid stablecoin backed by a basket of underlying assets, automated systems, and external actors to maintain its stable peg to the USD. For each DAI created, an equivalent amount of ETH is held in MakerDAO smart contracts through collateralized debt positions (CDPs), enabling Nigerians to deposit ETH and receive fresh DAI tokens in return.

5. Aave

Enter the world of Aave, an open-source DeFi protocol revolutionizing crypto lending and borrowing. Since its debut in 2017, Aave has played a pivotal role in empowering decentralized applications and fostering the growth of the DeFi ecosystem.

In this ecosystem, users provide market liquidity and borrow cryptocurrencies, earning variable interest rates in return. Aave operates as an open-source liquidity pool, making it a driving force in the DeFi landscape.

Aave’s journey from inception to becoming a leading platform in the rapidly expanding DeFi field has been remarkable.

The Aave protocol acts as a non-custodial bridge between liquidity providers and borrowers. With one of the largest market sizes and loan pools in the blockchain universe, Aave has established itself as a household name among cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiasts.

Simplifying the lending process and enabling users to earn interest on digital assets, Aave’s DeFi lending market also offers instant loans. While these unsecured short-term loans come with associated costs, they offer a convenient financial solution.

A few key aspects that make Aave worth exploring include:

➡️ aTokens: When users lend out crypto on the exchange, unique tokens known as aTokens are generated. These tokens are tied to the value of the underlying assets, making them a valuable asset in themselves.

➡️ Community Governance: Token holders within the AAVE ecosystem have a voice in the direction of the exchange through a fully democratic voting process.

➡️ Open-source Development: Aave’s source code is publicly available on Github, allowing anyone to contribute to its ongoing development.

With support for over 30 different cryptocurrencies and variable returns on investments for borrowers and lenders, Aave offers transparency and low fees, making it an attractive choice for DeFi participants.

6. The Graph

The Graph stands as a revolutionary Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that ensures the seamless transfer of information across diverse blockchains. Notably, it serves as a gateway for dApps to access data from other dApps and enables data transfer to Ethereum through smart contracts.

With the release of The Graph, the crypto industry found a groundbreaking solution for indexing and organizing data searches that didn’t exist before. As a result, billions of searches were conducted within just one year of its inception, underlining its rapid adoption and popularity.

The Graph API boasts a trifecta of advantages: cost-effectiveness, security, and user-friendliness. Leading DeFi systems like Aragon, DAOStack, AAVE, Balancer, Synthetix, and Uniswap utilize The Graph to fulfill their data needs effectively.

The platform features “subgraphs” public APIs used by numerous dApps, while others operate on the mainnet. The Graph’s mainnet nodes play a crucial role in maintaining the network and providing a conducive environment for developers and distributed software.

Participants such as delegators, indexers, and curators require GRT tokens to access the marketplace. GRT serves as the native token of The Graph, facilitating the allocation of ecosystem resources.

For Nigerians, The Graph offers distinctive advantages:

➡️ It provides easy access to data and information, making it highly valuable by simplifying access to essential crypto data.

➡️ The Graph acts as the decentralized market’s indexing and query layer, much like how Google indexes the web, resolving indexing issues effectively. Indexers collect blockchain information from networks such as Filecoin and Ethereum, organizing it into accessible and structured data.

➡️ The platform supports major blockchains like Solana, NEAR, Polkadot, and CELO, acting as a bridge connecting several blockchains and distributed applications, including popular DeFi projects like Synthetix, Uniswap, and Aave.

Notably, the creation and use of subgraphs are facilitated through Graph (GRT) tokens.

7. Compound Finance

Compound Finance has emerged as a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) technology in the market, attracting Nigerians for its diverse range of capabilities, including storing, selling, and utilizing crypto tokens across various DeFi apps.

The exponential growth of the Compound platform can be attributed to its multifaceted features, including the unique ability for users to earn compound interest on their bitcoins, hence its name. By July 2023, the platform had accumulated approximately $3.4 billion in assets across 18 markets, generating substantial interest.

Compound further sets itself apart by tokenizing its system-locked assets through cTokens (ERC20). With a maximum supply of 10 million cTokens, Compound had delivered an average return of almost 35% by the end of 2021.

The platform’s upward price history suggests continued potential, attracting users to lend various cryptocurrencies and earn income in return. Lenders on Compound have access to multiple liquidity pool alternatives with varying return rates based on the currency or token lent. The interest compounds over time, resulting in higher rates of return for lenders.

Additionally, Compound offers yield farming opportunities, enabling a high Annual Percentage Yield (APY) in return. Many investors engage as borrowers and lenders on the platform, seeking to maximize their acquisition of COMP tokens.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is DeFi Legal in Nigeria?

DeFi operates in a regulatory grey area in Nigeria; no specific regulations govern its use. However, it’s essential to comply with existing financial laws and be aware of potential legal implications.

Can I Lose Money in DeFi?

Yes, DeFi investments come with risks, and you can potentially lose money due to market volatility, smart contract vulnerabilities, or other unforeseen factors.

Are DeFi Platforms Secure?

DeFi platforms strive to maintain robust security measures but are not immune to attacks. Ensure you choose reputable platforms with a proven track record of security.

How Can I Withdraw My Earnings from DeFi?

Withdrawing earnings from DeFi platforms is usually straightforward. Access your wallet, select the assets you want to withdraw and initiate the withdrawal process.

What is Impermanent Loss in DeFi?

Impermanent loss occurs when providing liquidity to a DeFi platform, and the value of the assets changes significantly. It’s a temporary loss that can be mitigated by carefully choosing assets.

Can I Participate in DeFi with Small Investments?

Yes, DeFi is accessible to users with both small and large investments. Many platforms have no minimum investment requirements.

Can I start with a small investment in DeFi?

Absolutely! DeFi allows you to start with a small investment. Begin with an amount you’re comfortable with and gradually increase your exposure as you gain confidence.

How can I choose the right DeFi platform?

Research is key. Look for platforms with a solid track record, active community, and transparent governance.

What’s the potential return on investment in DeFi?

Returns vary based on strategies and market conditions. Some DeFi projects offer high yields, but they come with higher risks.

Are there alternatives to Ethereum-based DeFi platforms?

Yes, other blockchains like Binance Smart Chain and Solana also host DeFi projects, offering different advantages and potential returns.


Earning money with DeFi in Nigeria can be an exciting and profitable journey if approached with knowledge and caution.

Navigating the world of DeFi in Nigeria presents an exciting opportunity to diversify your investment portfolio and earn passive income.

By understanding the basics, setting up securely, and adopting informed strategies, you can confidently engage in DeFi platforms.

Remember to educate yourself, diversify your portfolio, and stay informed about the latest trends. Embrace the opportunities while being mindful of the risks.

DeFi has the potential to reshape the financial landscape, and by following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently embark on your DeFi journey.

Take the first step today and unlock the potential of DeFi for your financial future.

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